Christ is Still Building

“His body endures. Despite disease, dysfunction, and discouragement, Christ is building his church.” These words are printed on the cover of a magazine that I received this week.

I agree — the church has suffered at the hands of COVID. The disease revealed dysfunction in churches, leading many to become discouraged about the local version of Christ’s body. I’m disappointed at times, and wonder how we got to where we are as the church of Jesus in America.

But encouragement flows from Jesus’ words, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16 :18). The church that counts is not the church that we create or control; it is the church that Jesus creates and controls. Whenever problems reveal our failed attempts to control, we can return to Jesus’ control.

This is the time of the year when we remember that Jesus’s physical body was beaten, abused, and shamed. But in the end, that body was resurrected and preached the possibility of resurrection for all who follow. If our church or family or ministry seems bruised, we can ask the Lord, “How can we so surrender to your life that our bruised body becomes a testimony of your love?

Grateful to be among you all,

Pastor Mark

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